Anne-marie O’Sullivan

Movie Links


  • D.O.B: 28/02/81                      
  • Height: 5ft 7inches                       
  • Build: medium
  • Hair: Black                                        
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Natural Accent: Neutral English Accent.
  • Nationality: Half English /Half Irish

Training qualifications

  • Central School of Speech and Drama, London. Introduction to Drama Therapy (Sesame method.) 2006.
  • Deree College, Athens. Theories of Personality. 2006.
  • Bretton Hall, Leeds University – 2.1 B.A.(Hons) degree in Theatre Acting. 2003.
  • Binswood Hall-A level’s Drama, Art and English Literature. 1999.
  • North Leamington School of Performing Arts-7 G.C.S.E’s grades A-C. 1997.


  • Basic SBFD Stage Combat.
  • Accents- Northern Irish, Southern Irish, Cockney (East London), Yorkshire, Scottish, Italian, American, Canadian.
  • Two years of private singing lessons.
  • I can play the Penny Whistle.
  • Conversational Greek, and basic Punjabi.

Film and Television






Emma Fish n Chips Cyprus,London Elias Dimitriou July-Aug 10
Cathy Williams “Polykatikia” Mega Channel July 10
Megan “O Xenagos” Athens & Serifos Zachariah Mavroeidis Aug-Oct 09
Betty Mullholland Drive. New York College, Athens. Evdokia June-Aug o6
American Pandora Athens Staboulopoulos May 06
House Wife Advertising Athens Top Cut May 06
Marianna Sonyc Athens Andonis Glaros Jun-July 05
Alien “The Political Show” BBC North, Leeds Nick Davis. Nov 03

Recent Theatre Experience






Alex “Out of Space” VasilakouTheatre Spyros Andreapoulos Sep 12-June 13
Loukanikos “Hamlet in the Square” PolytechnicUniversity of Athens Stella Keramida Nov 11-Jun 12
Lucilla “The Emperor’sDream Vasilakou Theatre Tessa Clark Dec 10-Jan 11
Wetak “Utopian Floes”Experimental Opera On board the Amara Zee-Tour of Greece Paul Kirby Mar-Sep 08
Morag McIver “Dances After Dark” Theatro Elyze,Athens Tom Sears Sep-07-Feb 08
ActorTheseum Ensemble “Πεθαίνω Σαν Χώρα” Athens Festival2007 Michail Marmarinos July 07
Solo Performance ‘First Blush of Spring’ Booze Cooperative Self Directed Jan 07
Role Production Venue Director Date
Solo Performance “First Blush of Spring” World Performing Arts Festival, Pakistan Self Directed Nov 06
PeterPan ‘Panto Week’ Sheffield Self directed for Simply the Best Dec’03
Actor ‘One Act of Consciousness’ Powerhouse 1 Linda Taylor April-June’03
Director “Blasted” Experimental Theatre, Wakefield Self Directed Feb-April’03
Actor ‘The First Blush of Spring’ Experimental Theatre, Bretton Hall Solo Performance/Self directed Feb-April ‘03
Actor ‘Crash’(devised) New Theatre Bretton Hall Ensemble/Self Directed May-June’02
Sybil ‘Decadence’ New Theatre, Ruth Cotton MarAp’02
Moonshine ‘Mr Puntilla and his Man Matti’ New Theatre,Bretton Hall Robin Edding Oct-Nov ‘01
Actor ‘Traditions of the Dead’(devised) New Theatre, Bretton Hall Robert Salmon Mar-April ‘01
Mistro Epoc ‘The Last Enemy” Powerhouse1,Wakefield Jim Mirrione Oct-Nov ‘00
Actor ‘Like Rainbow Coloured Birds’(devised) New Theatre, Bretton Hall Jennifer Baines Sept-Oct ‘00

Theatre In Education






Facilitator ACLE Italy Romina Tappi June-July 06
Facilitator Drama Workshops Deree University Self Directed Mar-June 06
Trainee The Shysters Belgrade Theatre, UK Richard Hayhow Dec 05
Workshop facilitator Workshops for Immigrants Doctors of the World   Athens Self directed Oct-Dec 05
Workshop Facilitator/Video Director Happy Days Theatro Meli Stella Keramida May 05
Actor/Facilitator Theatrino Italy and Sicily Romina Tappi Jan-July 04
Actor/Facilitator Educational Workshops Bolton Dr Sita Poppat Feb-June 02
Actor/Facilitator Various Tours with The C.A.T New York, USA Chris Vine Jan 02
Actor/Facilitator ‘Boxed In’ Bradford Tour Self Directed Sep-Nov 01
Actor/Facilitator ‘In the Flesh’ Kettlethorpe Self Directed Feb-April 01
Actor/Facilitator ‘Boal’Workshos Hemsworth Liesel Kirkpatrick Sep- 00